Calendar (2017)

Past events

Luncheon with Speaker

Maud Udry
Meyerlustenberger Lachenal
“Resurrection of the Swiss inheritance law: overview of the draft XXI century legislation” (in ENG)

Friday 27 January 2017

  • Hôtel Métropole
  • 12:00

Luncheon with Speaker

Maximilien Roche

Jean-Pierre Méan
Eigenmann & Associés

“Internal Investigations” (in ENG)

Friday 24 February 2017

  • Hôtel Métropole
  • 12:00

Luncheon with Speaker

Prof. Marc-André Renold
Renold Gabus Thorens & Associés
Director of the Art Law Center,
Geneva University
“Swiss Freeports and the Art Market: Some Legal Aspects” (in ENG)

Friday 31 March 2017

  • Hôtel Métropole
  • 12:00

Luncheon with Speaker

Olivier Bégoin
BMG Avocats
“Financial Services Outsourcing in Switzerland – Cross Border Features” (in ENG)

Friday 28 April 2017

  • Hôtel Métropole
  • 12:00

Luncheon with Speaker

Martine Gauderon Alec & Marc-Antoine Glauser
Alec Alan & Associés
“Survey of the legal market, including compensation, type and selection conditions” (in FR)

Saturday 27 May 2017

  • Hôtel Métropole
  • 12:00

Summer Social Event

Visit of the Old Town of Geneva (with guided tour in ENG and FR): 18:30

Apéro and dinner at Café Papon: 20:00

Wednesday 28 June 2017

  • Old Town of Geneva
  • 18:30

Summer cruise

Thursday 31 August 2017

  • Details to come
  • Details to come

Luncheon with Speaker

Caroline Perriard, CEO & Co-founder
Legal in Digital
“IP and Privacy on Internet”

Friday 29 September 2017

  • Hôtel Métropole
  • 12:00

Luncheon with Speaker

Fabianne de Vos Burchart
FBT lawyers
“Trustee regulation”

Friday 20 October 2017

  • Restaurant du Parc des Eaux-Vives
  • 12:00

Would you like more information about the AIBL? Feel free to contact us.